În căutarea consimţământului în cazul plăţilor electronice. Scurte consideraţii din practica instituţiilor de credit
Cuvinte cheie:
consent, electronic payments, electronic contracts, financial institutionsRezumat
Technological advancement in electronic payments has been marked by the emergence of new risks in electronic contracting. In particular, the types and proof of consent have become a controversial topic in the practice of credit institutions. Consequently, in the present study, we will analyze the legal framework applicable to consent in electronic payments, presenting the increased role of the banks in client (payment service consumer) identification. We have also conducted a legal analysis of cases found in the practice of the bank, concluding on the effectiveness of consumer legal protection.
30-08-2022 — Actualizat în 30-06-2023
- 30-06-2023 (2)
- 30-08-2022 (1)