Nr. 4 (2019): The autonomy of labour law
This issue of the Journal, dedicated to Labour Law, has been produced with the contribution of the members of the "Society of Labour Law and Social Security" and represents an important and, we hope, useful presence of the Association in the current doctrinal debate on the positioning of Labour Law within the branches of law that make up the Romanian legal order.
This subject, especially the one concerning the autonomy of Labour Law, has been the object of theoretical dispute in the recent past, especially in the dialogue with some authors of Civil Law, and the significant contributions of Prof. Dr. I.T. Ștefanescu and Prof. Dr. A. Țiclea have had the gift to mark the normative competence of Labour Law in relation to Civil Law.
In fact, the Association has proposed, through the will expressed by its members and recorded, as such, in its constitutive acts, to be an "actor" on the scene of doctrinal debates, as well as a promoter of solutions for optimizing labour law or, as the case may be, a useful support for legal practitioners in the understanding and application of the legislation on legal labour relations.
In its capacity as an affiliated organisation of the International Society of Labour and Social Security Law, the Association aims to provide a suitable institutional framework for the exchange of ideas between lawyers specialising in its field of expertise and activity and to promote concrete ways of supporting the process of improving the professional training of young researchers and practitioners through ongoing collaboration on a partnership basis with approved educational service providers.
We would like, in concluding these lines, to express our gratitude to the RRDP management and, in particular, our thanks are addressed to Prof. Dr. Valeriu Stoica for his solicitude in hosting the studies published in an issue of the journal, dedicated to Labour Law, as well as his good offices in finalizing the publication of the journal, in legal form and substance, which we hope its readers will appreciate.