Identitatea contractului. O discuţie despre opţiunile şi priorităţile de calificare
Cuvinte cheie:
contract classification, contract identity, named contract, legal category, legal name, contract species, variety of contract, substance over form, legal regime, form over substanceRezumat
Contract classification involves choices between predefined identities and undefined identities; between regulated identities and unregulated identities; between imposed identities and chosen identities; between exclusive identities and shared iden tities; between simple identities and multiple identities; between apparent identities and real identities. Classifications always accompany the contracts; the validity and effectiveness of the contract depend on classification; the law, the parties, the judge look at the contract through the lens of classification, which turns the factual into legal.
13-09-2022 — Actualizat în 24-04-2023
- 24-04-2023 (2)
- 13-09-2022 (1)