Aventurile şi provocările semnăturilor electronice în era digitală




Cuvinte cheie:

electronic signatures, data in electronic form, electronic documents, signatory identification, e-IDAS Regulation, technology, public key infrastructure (PKI), qualified digital certificate


Pace of technological change and modern life facts and trends force law to adopt an approach which is open to technological innovations. E IDAS EU Regulation promotes confidence in electronic services and is technology neutral. It encourages widely usage of all types of electronic signatures, advocating also for acceptance of lower security assurance electronic signatures. Electronic signature cannot be denied legal effects on the grounds that they are in an electronic form or that they do not meet the requirements of the qualified electronic signature.
However, while Digital Age is booming, our national law still does not define today the legal effects for simple and advanced electronic signatures, and consumers, businesses, public authorities and Romanian courts hesitate to use them, because of their legal security uncertainties.
This article aims to clarify the legal framework applicable to electronic signatures, to explain the concepts associated with electronic signatures and their role, to highlight the huge benefits of their usage and, last but not least, to offer concrete examples for each type of signature and solutions for their usage and acceptance as means of proof.

