Posesorul şi detentorul – o ipoteză de reprezentare



  • Adrian Tamba Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea Babeş Bolyai, Cluj Napoca

Cuvinte cheie:

precarious possessor, possesor, precarious possessor as representative of the possessor, representation


From the very beginning, the current work highlights the following thesis: the precarious possessor is nothing but the representative of the possessor.
This study puts into the light a few aspects, in relation to possession and precarious possession (i.e., detention). Great authors concerned themselves with said entities.
The third section insists, in some detail, on the basic idea, according to which the precarious possessor is the representative of the possessor.
The final section does not embrace any conclusions. Instead of them, one may notice some words in respect to the so called corpus, the possessory action, and res iudicata.


02-02-2023 — Actualizat în 11-04-2023
