Scurte consideraţii referitoare la probaţiunea în litigiile izvorâte din contractele de e-commerce



  • Ioan Ilieș Neamț

Cuvinte cheie:

contract, electronic means, electronic document, digital signature, evidence


The paper briefly analyzes the issue of probation in the trials arising from e commerce contracts. Thus, in the first section, the general aspects of probation in civil proceedings are presented, highlighting the main rules on the burden of proof and the approval and administration of evidence. The second section addresses the general features of e commerce contracts, with an emphasis on those relevant from the perspective of probation, in particular the obligations of the parties during the contract formation. The following section addresses the burden of proof in e commerce contracts, while the fourth section, which is also the last, focuses on to the concrete issue of probation in disputes arising from contracts concluded by electronic means, analyzing separately the issues referring to the scope of evidence, the means of proof and the administration of evidence.




