Nimeni nu vine la Tatăl decât prin Mine: o incursiune în logica autorităţii şi a puterii în dreptul privat



  • Marieta Avram Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea din Bucureşti

Cuvinte cheie:

civil power, power of representation, representation, authority, guardianship, mutual tacit mandate between parents, premissive act


Power and authority are two categories of legal powers different from the civil subjective rights, pretty common within the scope of private law. Nevertheless, at the doctrine level, conceptual delimitations are still timid. Taking as a reference the power of representation, as a prototype of the civil power, on the one hand, and parental authority, as a prototype of the authority in private law, on the other hand, the logical analysis of those two fundamental concepts reveal both the fact that they are autonomous, and the fact that they exist together within several legal institutions. “Nobody comes to Father except through Myself” synthetically expresses the idea that both representation and authority include a broad range of logical significances and legal, ethical and spiritual values.


02-02-2023 — Actualizat în 21-04-2023
